• Grazie (Thanks)
  • Grazie mille (Thank you a thousand – mille = thousand)
  • Grazie molte (Thank you really much)
  • Molte grazie (Thank you really much)
  • Grazie tanto/tante (Thanks a lot)


Ti ringrazio (I thank you – 2nd person singular, INFORMAL)

La ringrazio (I thank you – 3nd person singular, FORMAL)

Grazie davvero (Thank you really)

Grazie infinite (Thank you really much – infinite = infinite, endless)

Grazie di cuore (Thanks from the bottom of my heart)

Grazie di tutto (Thanks of everything)

Grazie lo stesso (Thanks anyway)

Grazie, molto gentile (Thanks, you are very courteous)

Grazie per … qualcosa (Thanks for … something)