What is Grammar?
Grammar is the way you use words and put them together into phrases in the right order.
The rules of grammar help to build sentences that make sense.
To use the grammar rules properly you need to know about the different types of words that make up the language.
Why Is Grammar Important?
The rules of grammar help you to avoid putting things in the wrong order which can change the meaning of a phrase and could make people misunderstand what you want to say.
Anna mangia il pesce (Anna eats the fish)

Il pesce mangia Anna (The fish ear Anna)

There is, of course, a big difference in meaning between the two sentences.
Words of Grammar
In a sentence, every verb must have a subject.
The verb expresses action and the subject is who or what the verb is.
The subject is typically a noun (“Il tavolo”) or a pronoun (“Lui/lei”). The subject pronouns are io, tu, lui/lei, noi, voi, loro.
How to Identify the Subject?
Try to make a question like in this example:
– Mario guarda la televisione.
– Chi guarda la televisione?
– The subject is MARIO.

What’s next?
You might want to keep learning Italian online with these free resources:

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