Songs are a great source of ‘real-life’ language and you can use music to practise lots of different language skills. Most of all, songs are a fun way to learn Italian. Learn more about how to improve your Italian with Songs – with the songs Eppure sentire di Elisa.
How to learn from songs:
1) Listen to “la Eppure sentire” without lyrics
2) Listen to the song reading lyrics
3) Compare the Italian lyrics with the English translation.
Elisa Toffoli, nota semplicemente come Elisa è una cantautrice, musicista e produttrice discografica italiana. In oltre venti anni di carriera, ha venduto oltre 5,5 milioni di dischi, riscuotendo successo anche in Europa e in Nord America.
Elisa Toffoli, known simply as Elisa is an Italian singer-songwriter, musician and record producer. In over twenty years of her career, she has sold over 5.5 million records, also enjoying success in Europe and North America.

Practice to Improve your Italian with Songs Eppure Sentire di Elisa
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