How to Use Prepositions with Andare Venire and Partire in Italian

The use of prepositions is an important element of the Italian language, particularly with verbs like andare, venire, and partire. In this post, we’ll look more closely at these verbs and how to use prepositions properly with them. First, let’s … Continued

Common Verbs taking auxiliary AVERE and ESSERE

There are two main auxiliary verbs in Italian that are used to create compound tenses: “avere” and “essere.” In this article, you’ll learn some common verbs taking both auxiliary AVERE and ESSERE in the Italian Language. Try this exercise to test your grammar. It is … Continued

How to Handle Italian Adjectives

Adjectives in Italian are essential components of the language and can add meaning, colour, and depth to your phrases. They are used to describe or modify a noun, and they must agree to the noun they are modifying in terms of … Continued


In this post, you’ll find how to use Italian adverbs of time GIA’ ANCORA APPENA. Adverbs of TIME » appena (just/as soon as) » ancora (still/yet) » già (already) Generally, you place most adverbs close to the words they modify: the exception to this rule is … Continued

Italian Verbs Cucinare VS Cuocere

This post shows you an important topic in Italian grammar: Italian Verbs Cucinare VS Cuocere. Italian has two different verbs for the English verb “to cook“. CUCINARE – CUOCERE CUCINARE “preparare e cuocere il cibo“ It refers to the (1) steps to the preparation of … Continued

How to use Preposition DI with Adjectives

Some adjectives go with some prepositions. This page gives you some examples of adjective + preposition combinations where you can learn how to use Preposition DI with Adjectives to improve your Italian and avoid mistakes. Sad to say, no rule says which … Continued

How to use Preposition A with Adjectives

Italian Adjectives are frequently followed by prepositions (words like DI, A, and CON). In this post, you’ll learn How to use Preposition A with Adjectives to improve your Italian and avoid mistakes. Sad to say, no rule says which preposition should be … Continued

How to use the Italian adverb MICA

Have you ever heard an Italian use this little word? Have you wondered what meaning it could have? Learn here How to use the Italian adverb MICA. Non ho MICA preso la tua penna! Non ho preso MICA la tua penna! L’avverbio MICA è usato nel linguaggio … Continued

How to use the Italian verbs Prendere and Portare

These two verbs are commonly misunderstood, but cannot be interchanged as their meanings are different. Learn more about How to use the Italian verbs Prendere and Portare to improve your language learning and avoid mistakes. So how can we tell … Continued

How to express From with Different Italian Prepositions

‘From’ is an important preposition that expresses the starting point of a journey, the origin of an object, or the source of action. Here is a beginner’s guide to using the preposition ‘from’ in Italian. It’s essential to know that … Continued