‘From’ is an important preposition that expresses the starting point of a journey, the origin of an object, or the source of action. Here is a beginner’s guide to using the preposition ‘from’ in Italian.
It’s essential to know that there are different ways to translate ‘from’ into Italian, depending on the context.
The most common prepositions used to translate ‘from’ are ‘da,’ ‘dalla,’ ‘dal,’ ‘dagli,’ ‘dalle,’ ‘dello,’ and ‘dell.’
Each of these prepositions has a different meaning depending on the gender and number of the word it modifies.
Examples of how to use these prepositions:
- ‘Da‘ is the most common preposition used to translate ‘from‘ into Italian. It’s used to express the origin of a person or an object, as well as the starting point of a journey. For example:
- Sono italiana, vengo da Roma. (I’m Italian, I come from Rome.)
- Ho comprato la macchina da un concessionario. (I bought the car from a dealer.)
- Partiamo da Milano alle 9. (We’re leaving from Milan at 9.)
- ‘Dalla,’ ‘dal,’ ‘dagli,’ and ‘dalle‘ are variations of ‘da’ that change depending on the gender and number of the noun they modify (❗️ Preposizioni articolate).
For example:
- ‘Dello‘ and ‘dell‘ are variations of ‘di’ that change depending on the gender and number of the noun they modify. (❗️ Preposizioni articolate)
They are used to express the origin of a thing or an object.
For example:

Express From with Different Italian Prepositions in detail:
Expressing Place ➤ DI – DA
Maria viene dalla Spagna
Maria comes from Spain
Di dove sei?
Where are you from?
More Examples – Expressing place
Carla è dell’Australia/australiana
Carla comes from Australia (i.e. that is her country of origin)
Carla viene dall’Australia
Carla comes from Australia (i.e. she is travelling or has just arrived from there)
Expressing time: Showing duration ➤ DALLE
From… to…” are used to say when an activity starts and finishes.
Lavoro dalle 9 alle 17.
I work from 9 am to 5 pm
Italian Expressions with FROM
Mastering the use of ‘from’ in Italian takes practice and familiarity with the different prepositions used to translate it. However, by following this beginner’s guide, you will be on your way to expressing direction and origin like a native Italian speaker.

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