Resources and lessons to improve your Italian by Learning Italian Through Stories: la torta della nonna. This is a collection of engaging posts with audio, text and quizzes to inspire you in progressing your Italian.
Before speaking, we must listen!
Listening to understand, learning new words, to improve pronunciation.
1 step: listen to the audio trying to understand only the gist, not every word.
2. step: listen again trying to understand a little more.
3. step: read the text
4. step: read the text while listening
5. step: read again and take notes of new words and structures.
Listen to the audio
Read the text
Quando ero bambina, mia nonna preparava delle torte buonissime.
Le chiamava “ciambelloni” perché avevano la forma di una grande ciambella.
Mentre mia nonna preparava la torta, mi divertivo ad assaggiare il cioccolato o la crema che rimaneva nella ciotola.
Queste torte erano molto semplici perché mia nonna usava solo pochi ingredienti come la farina, le uova, lo zucchero, il cacao e il lievito.
Per cuocere la torta, o il “ciambellone” usava una teglia e al centro sistemava un bicchiere di vetro.
In questo modo la torta cuoceva con un buco nel centro.
Quando era pronta, la toglieva dal forno e quando era fredda, la mangiavo subito. Era squisita!

Learn Italian by LISTENING:
With this story, you can practice the IMPERFETTO.
If you would like to practice more, please feel free to download the Free Ebook “Listen, Read & Learn” with a lot of activities.

Reading is one of the most effective ways to improve your Italian.
It offers a rich and enjoyable way of improving your Italian and growing your vocabulary.
As you are reading, you are learning a lot of useful words and expressions.
You are also seeing how language structures are used and finding interesting new things to talk about in conversation.
Listening comprehension isn’t just hearing what is said: it is the ability to understand the words.
When you hear a story read aloud, listening comprehension enables you to understand the story, remember it, discuss it, and even retell it in your own words.

What’s next?
You might want to keep learning Italian online with these free resources:

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