When expressing “for” in Italian, there are different ways to do it depending on the context and the specific meaning of “for” that you want to convey.
Some Italian expressions are different from the usual equivalent of English expressions.
Here are some common ways to express “for” in Italian.
Expressing Benefit
Ho comprato dei vestiti per l’estate
I bought some clothes for the summer.

Marta ha organizzato una festa per il compleanno di suo marito
Marta organized a party for her husband’s birthday
More Examples:
Un regalo per suo marito (A present for her husband)
Un premio per qualcuno (A reward por someone)
A tuo beneficio (For your benefit)
Expressing Purpose
Cosa c’è per pranzo?
What’s for lunch?

I miei genitori vengono a cena da noi.
My parents are coming to our house for dinner.
More Example:
Per divertimento (for pleasure)
Che cosa c’è per cena? (what’s for dinner?)
Vengono a cena da me (they are coming to my house for dinner)
A scopo di lucro (for monetary gain)
A che cosa serve? (what’s for?)
Expressing Cause
I bambini gridano di gioia
The children shout for joy

More Examples:
E’ stato imprigionato per omicidio (He was jailed for murder)
Per questo motivo (For this reason)
Expressing Time
Vivo in Italia da 10 anni
I have been living in Italy for 10 years

Ho vissuto in Italia per 10 anni quando ero giovane.
I lived in Italy for 10 years when I was young
More Examples
🇮🇹 Era da 5 anni che vivevo a Roma 🇬🇧 I had been living in Roma for 5 years
🇮🇹 Sarà a Firenze per due settimane 🇬🇧 She will be in Florence for 2 weeks
Expressing Place
Parto per la Francia.
I’m leaving for France

Il treno sul primo binario parte per Bologna.
The train on the first track leaves for Bologna.
More Examples
🇮🇹 A Roma di cambia per Ancona 🇬🇧 In Rome you change for Ancona
Other Expression
Per esempio
For example
In vendita
For sale

Expressing “for” in Italian requires considering the context and the specific meaning that you want to convey. Using the appropriate word or expression can help you communicate your ideas more accurately and effectively.
How to Express FROM in Italian

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